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临清市DHL国际快递网点 临清市DHL快递寄件服务中心

更新时间:2025-01-30 07:09:00
联系手机: 18036249988

 “这份新白皮书的见解表明,盈利能力仍然是许多电子商务公司面临的主要挑战,尽管——或者实际上是因为——该行业的动态增长。它还让我们的客户全面了解该挑战Zui普遍的特定领域,以及目前哪些技术Zui有可能为他们提供支持,”DHL 电子商务解决方案执行官 Ken Allen 说。“DHL 的创新方法旨在在我们的全球网络中识别、试验和部署这些领域中Zui有效的技术和解决方案。例如,我们将继续在我们运营的许多部分积极扩展机器人和自动化,我们认为人工智能将成为我们未来整个业务的推动力。没有“银弹”,




  DHL, the world’s leading logistics company, has identified digitalization and automation in the supply chain as an imperative for online retailers looking to grow and compete over the long-term. In its latest white paper, the company, which this year announced an investment of at least USD 2.2 billion in digitalization through 2025, provides new insights on how specific challenges within the e-commerce supply chain can be overcome with the support of new technologies.

  Change at the Speed of the Consumer: How E-Commerce is Accelerating Logistics Innovations was authored by Professor Lisa Harrington, President and CEO of lharrington group llc. It looks at six principal areas where e-commerce is challenging the supply chains of merchants and logistics companies: customer expectations for a perfect buying experience; consumers’ desire to buy and receive goods ‘anywhere, anytime’; exploding demand for urban delivery; competition for labor and wage inflation; the emergence of new online sales models and unexpected surges in demand; and environmental concerns. The impact of these challenges is most keenly felt in the areas of fulfilment and last mile delivery.


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